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Privacy Policy


Corporate Living Accommodation (“CLA”) operates accommodation businesses in various locations within Australia. Corporate Living Accommmodation recognises its responsibilities in regard to privacy.

What is our position in relation to Privacy?

Corporate Living Accommodation is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.
In this Privacy Policy, ‘us’ ‘we’ or ‘our’ means Corporate Living Accommodation.

Our Privacy Policy details our approach to privacy and how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information. It also details your rights in relation to accessing the personal information which we collect and hold about you.

By providing personal information to us, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any other arrangements that apply between us.

Corporate Living Accommodation acknowledges its obligations in regards to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Why do we collect, use and disclose personal information?

We will generally use, hold or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to enable us to provide you with the goods and/or services that you have requested;
  • to respond to your queries or requests;
  • to compile and use data regarding our customers;
  • to enable you to access and use our website;
  • to send you marketing and promotional messages and other information that may be of interest to you, including information sent by, or on behalf of, our business partners that we think you may find interesting;
  • to comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes that we may have with any of our users, and enforce our agreements with third parties.

What personal information do we collect?

We may collect the following types of personal information:

  • name;
  • mailing or street address;
  • email address;
  • telephone number and other contact details;
  • age or date of birth;
  • credit card information;
  • details of the products and services we have provided to you or that you have enquired about;
  • any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly through the provision of our goods and services or as a result of your use of our website; and
  • information you provide to us through customer surveys.
    We may collect these types of personal information either directly from you, or from third parties. We may collect this information:
  • as a result of our provision to you of our goods and services; or
  • when you;
    • visit our website; or
    • communicate with us through correspondence, chats, email or when you share information with us from other social applications, services or websites.

Use of personal information for marketing and promotional purposes.

We and/or our associates may send you direct marketing communications and information about services and products. This may take the form of emails, SMS, mail or other forms of communication.

You may opt-out of receiving marketing materials from us by contacting us or by using any opt-out facility provided (eg an unsubscribe link).

Who we may disclose your personal information to.

We may disclose personal information for the purposes described in this privacy policy to:

  • our employees and related bodies corporate;
  • third party suppliers and service providers (including providers for the operation of our websites and/or our business or in connection with providing our products and services to you);
  • professional advisers, dealers and agents;
  • payment systems operators (eg merchants receiving card payments);
  • our existing or potential agents, business partners or distributors;
  • anyone to whom our assets or businesses (or any part of them) are transferred;
  • specific third parties authorised by you to receive information held by us; and/or
  • other persons, including government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or as required, authorised or permitted by law.

Disclosure of personal information outside Australia.

When you provide your personal information to us, you consent to the disclosure of your information outside of Australia and acknowledge that we are not required to ensure that overseas recipients handle that personal information in compliance with Australian Privacy Law. We will, however, take reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipient will deal with such personal information in a way that is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Using our website and cookies.

We may collect personal information about you when you use and access our website.

“Cookies” are used on this site to collect information on how you use this site. Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, TV, mobile phone or other devices. They enable the entity that put the cookie on your device to recognise you across different websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions. You can disable cookies through your internet browser but this may result in a loss of website functionality.

How do we hold your Information?

We may hold your personal information in electronic and/or hard copy form. We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information and to the extent permitted by law, we will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.


Our website may from time to time contain links to websites operated by third parties. These links may contain cookies, may operate differently to this website and may apply different policies in relation to personal information and privacy. We strongly suggest that you check the Privacy Policies of these sites.

We do not monitor these sites and are not responsible for their content. If you link to another site, you do so at your own risk. We make no warranty about these sites. We are not responsible for the removal of your Personal Information from any such site.

Accessing or correcting your personal information/ making enquiries.

If you would like to find out what information we have about you, or any other privacy-related questions, please direct your enquiry to:

Corporate Living Accommodation
Privacy Officer
Suite A, Level 2, 290 Burwood Road
Hawthorn Victoria 3122
Phone: 1300 286 237
Facsimile: +61 3 9854 7202

If you think that any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, please contact us and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that it is corrected.

Making a complaint

If you would like to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles you can contact us directly by email at We will look into your complaint and respond to you in a reasonable time.

If you are not satisfied with our response you can refer your enquiry to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

More information about the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles is available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at


We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Please check our website from time to time to ensure that you are aware of our current Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

For further information about our Privacy Policy or practices, or to access or correct your personal information, or make a complaint, please contact us using the details set out below:

Corporate Living Accommodation
Privacy Officer
Suite A, Level 2, 290 Burwood Road
Hawthorn Victoria 3122
Phone: 1300 286 237
Facsimile: +61 3 9854 7202